Hello and welcome.  It’s another blog site, are you surprised?  According to www.royal.pingdom.com by the end of 2010 there were just 152 million blogs on the Internet (as tracked by BlogPulse).  So, you know we felt like we had to have one too.  I guess that makes us newbie’s doesn’t it?  Actually, we are excited about this new form of communication and we are glad you decided to spend a few minutes with us.   We are an internet company with roots in the telephone and wireless industry. So, we will be talking about the services we provide along with information on some of the latest technology and how it affects us. There will be tips, tricks, and how-to’s on managing those services along with some first- hand experiences using techie gadgets.   Since we are rural, you know what that means. Yep, you know us, we’re neighbors and we are probably related in some kind of way.  So yeah, there will be pictures and stories about what is happening at Brazos and in the communities we serve.  It’s all about keeping you connected and serving you better.  Our goal is to make this a friendly, relaxed and informative place to spend a few minutes. 

In the future you will hear many different voices on this blog, (some begging involved) as others offer a word or two.  For now, the voice you will hear belongs to me, Billie, in the Marketing and PR Department.  If you have been placed on hold recently you definitely have heard my voice.  Maybe you have read one of the e-Newsletters, or e-Cards our internet customers receive.  Those along with web ads, face book posts, videos, marquee and billing promotions are produced by Marketing and PR.   

Since the average (USA) internet user watches 186 online videos a month, we hope you take a moment to view one of ours.  We look forward to hearing from you and sharing a few words with you about this wonderful thing called technology.

“The only way to have a friend is to be one”. Ralph Waldo Emerson

All stats quoted courtesy of http://royal.pingdom.com “Internet 2010 in Numbers”