Summer Travel and Wi-Fi

Getting ready for vacation? Remember when traveling and using Wi-Fi hotspots, never assume they are safe. Most Wi-Fi hotspots don’t encrypt the information you send over the Internet and aren’t secure. Protected sites are indicated by https before the web...

Upload and Download…What is the difference?

When talking about Internet speeds…what is the difference between upload and download? Anytime you are pulling content from the Internet, such as receiving emails, or streaming a service like Netflix, Hulu or YouTube…you are using download. When you push...

Customer Loyalty Gift Card Scam

It has come to our attention that a new Gift Card Scam is circulating through Social Media/Popup ads congratulating Brazos Internet customers for their loyalty. This is a scam, and we recommend that you close out of it immediately. Brazos in NOT offering an...

New Email Scam

It is has come to our attention that a new email scam is circulating in our area.  The email sender is pretending to be from Brazos alerting you that someone tried to sign in using your email account.  The sender is asking you to review fraudulent sign...

Cyber Monday Shopping Tips

  Cyber Monday deals are hard to resist…especially when it means you can save money, and check items off your shopping list. Here are just a few tips to remember when shopping online: Make sure your home computer’s anti-virus, and malware software are...